Below the warranty can be found for the different types of coating
When applied correctly, Anker Stuy factory applied coatings systems will offer the following maintenance cycles on windows and doors. The colour of the paint or stain used will have an influence on these maintenance cycles and due to the variation of colours offered we can only provide an indication of how colours may affect the maintenance cycle below.
There are also many different factors concerning the design of the building and the exposure to weather that cannot be detailed below. It should be noted that the maintenance periods given do not constitute a guarantee.

When applied correctly to Accoya timber, Anker Stuy factory applied coatings systems will offer the following maintenance cycles on windows and doors:

Anker Stuy’s paint experts work closely with joinery and construction companies. It is important that we become involved in your production process as early as possible. This will allow us to give you the right advice in good time, which will benefit the lifespan and appearance of your project.
We would also be delighted to explain our guarantees to you in person. More information about our warranty or outdoor exposure testings documents, please contact us at sales@ankerstuy.com